The Heart of Kingdom Kids:

At Kingdom Life Church, we love our kids and seek to honor the heart of God in serving and teaching His children. Kingdom Kids is a place where children are taught, pastored, and empowered. We seek to foster an environment where kids can encounter the Lord (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), grow and thrive in their original designs, and participate in bringing Heaven to Earth. This is done through Biblical curriculum, Scripture reading, worship, prayer, fellowship, and fun.


“Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” Luke 18:16-17 (ESV)


Our Expectations and Protocols:

At Kingdom Kids, we honor, celebrate, and serve one another in kindness as we gather to learn about, praise, and partner with God! Some specific expectations we have for our kids/parents and as a ministry are as follows: 

  • Kids are expected to show respect and kindness to one another and the volunteers in both words and actions. If a child is unable to do this, the parent/guardians will be texted during service to come pick up the child for the remainder of service. 

  • Kids are expected to stay out of the back classroom area until Kids Ministry begins. Once it begins, kids are expected to be under supervision at all times (whether by volunteers or by parents/guardians). Kids are to remain with their class from drop off to pick up. Parents are asked to pick up their children once service is over. If parents want prayer or ministry after the service they are responsible for finding someone to watch their kids. 

  • Parents are expected to provide sufficient emergency contact information at drop off to ensure that they could be reached during service if needed. They are also expected to provide any other pertinent information, such as allergies or potty-training information, at drop off so volunteers can appropriately accommodate. 

  • Kingdom Kids will always have at least two adult volunteers per classroom. Kids will never be alone with a volunteer. 

  • If a child must use a bathroom during Kids Ministry, volunteers are instructed to either take the whole class for a bathroom break (kids use the bathroom one at a time) or for one volunteer to remain in the classroom while the other volunteer stands outside the door window in the hallway, watching as the child goes down the hallway to use the bathroom. 

  • Volunteers are instructed to report any illness or injury to parents.


Drop Off & Classroom Information:

All children are invited to worship with their families as part of the church body for the first two songs. After the second worship song, parents can bring their children to the classrooms in the back. At this time Kingdom Kids provides two-three areas of care (depending on the number of volunteers on a night): 

  • Nursery: 0-2 years old

  • Pre-School: 3-4 years old*

  • Early Elementary: 5-9 years old*

*Depending on the number of volunteers, Pre-School and Early Elementary age groups may be combined for the entire evening. 

Currently, our Pre-School and Early Elementary age groups begin in the same classroom for worship and teaching, then split up based on age for activities, snack, and prayer.

Children 10 years and older are asked to remain in the service with their parents/guardians. Basic sermon guides are provided at the Kid Connect Table.

There is also a streaming room in the Kids Ministry area where service is streamed live. Parents are welcome to bring their child(ren) to this room if that is best! We just ask that 1) parents remain with and supervise their child(ren) while using this room and 2) parents are aware of other parents/children’s needs who are also utilizing the room, treating others with kindness and respect. 
